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Wisconsin: The Official Stance for Construction

Construction Status: Essential

Safer at home orders were announced in the state until April 24, 2020, but was further extended utill May 26, 2020.

Post these orders, there have been no new update announced by Governor Tony Evers. However, the unlikeliest of the Governor to issue any orders is likely to cause reopening of all routine activities back to normal.

October 2020 Update: Under a new release announced on October 7, Governor Evers have mentioned about the acceptance of patients at Wisconsin State Fair Park Alternative Care Facility. This decision has been made for the cure of patients with severe symptoms. The construction of public projects such as state highways has started in the North-eastern, North-Central, and North-western regions of the state. However, it would be an essential for all construction works to stick with safety guidelines such as maintaining distance at work site while using preventive equipment.

Governing Body:The Office Of Governor Tony Evers

FAQs: Wisconsin Construction Updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic

How construction is addressed in the order?

Housing construction is deemed essential under the essential business declaration.

How building materials are addressed in the order?

The hardware stores and those dealing with heating, electrical, and plumbing are considered essential services.

Are there any specific Jobsite Rules/Protocols?

Yes, there are several updates issued for the welfare and benefit of contractors as well as workers. These include Jobsite rules, workplace guidelines as well as various forms which contractors need to follow for ensuring safe construction.

How Construction could be kept open amid COVID-19?

Keeping construction open amid COVID-19 poses the only challenge of preventing exposure. For this reason, construction firms and contractors need to ensure that the site is prepared for the safety of all. Moreover, the workers need to practice preventive measures through social distancing, wearing protective equipment, and mitigating contact with each other while at work.

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