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Minnesota: The Official Stance for Construction

Construction Status: Essential

The stay at home order came into effect from April 8, 2020, until May 3, 2020, to shut down all the non-essential business in the state. However, the provision categorizes construction employees who work for HVAC services, plumbing, and sanitation, as essential.

On July 17, 2020, Governor Tim Walz has issued a new executive order in which the relief to drivers and motor carriers has been extended. With this move, it is very likely that construction industry will get relief when it comes to supply chain and delivery of material.

October 2020 Update: As of now, the state of Minnesota has to stick with the government orders listed under “Peacetime Emergency” orders. Though there has been no special update released in regard to the construction industry, the construction firms have to stick with the face covering guidelines for safety.

Governing Body: Office of Governor Tim Walz

FAQs: Minnesota Construction Updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic

How construction is addressed in the order?

The critical trade and construction have been exempted under the orders of the Governor. Under critical trade, workers who are providing services related to plumbing, sanitation, heating, and other construction-related activities are considered essential. Moreover, any workers who are into public safety are exempted from the orders.

How building materials are addressed in the order?

The orders for essential building materials suppliers, that sell such things as tools and hardware for the construction process, are permitted to remain open.

Are there any updates released to define workplace guidelines for employers?

Yes, the state has released multiple guidelines for construction employers and employees which need to be followed at the workplace. These include various aspects related to protective equipment, communicating, social separation, wellness, exposure, etc.

Are there any specific Jobsite Rules/Protocols?

Yes, there are different sets of rules and protocols defines in the state which construction firms and contractors need to follow at the sites. These include wellness and exposure incident management as well as sanitation and hygiene rules.

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