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New York: The Official Stance for Construction

Construction Status: Essential

With New York being severely affected due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced an order of statewide pause on all the non-essential businesses and activities.

However, the construction of emergency facilities, hospitals, public schools, bridges, roads, energy projects, and other public works is deemed essential. To know further about the essential and non-essential business in the state,   click here.

Governor Cuomo on July 9, 2020 has released a new executive order declaring modification of laws and continues temporary suspensions in the state to aid coping with the disaster.

October 2020 Update: Since construction has been deemed as an essential activity, the contractors in the state only need to stick with safety guidelines suggested by the New York governor and health offices. Besides this, the contractors who have a team of experts coming from other states either need to stick with remote working practices or manage on their own since state has issued certain restrictions on travel with a 14 day quarantine period.

Governing Body:The Office Of Governor Andrew Cuomo

FAQs: New York Construction Updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic

How construction is addressed in the orders?

The executive order stated that essential businesses in which construction is related to an emergency such as public health and safety are permitted to continue.

How building materials are addressed in the order?

The executive order categorized hardware stores as essential.

Are there any updates released to define workplace guidelines for employers?

Yes, the Government of New York has released interim guidance related to construction activities. This includes various necessary regulations and guidelines related to the responsible construction during COVID-19. It outlines all the standards and significant aspects like physical distancing, workplace activity, hygiene, etc.

How construction could be kept open amid COVID-19?

To ensure the right planning is made to tackle the economic downturn, the state has opted for the phased reopening of the various construction activities. Under this, construction sites, as well as other essential businesses, are ordered to limit the workforce while practicing the safety regulations and exposure prevention guidelines.

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