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As the latest technologies are emerging in the construction industry, it can be challenging to keep up with them all. The adoption process often takes a significant amount of time and money. Embracing new technologies may require a substantial investment upfront, but numerous of these technologies can save time and money in the long run while also bringing new business opportunities.
To shed some light on the construction technology, we have interviewed Elinor Moshe to understand her viewpoints on the same.
Who Did We Interview?
Elinor Moshe is a well-known Construction Career Coach in Australia, guiding, inspiring and directing industry professionals. She is equipped with practical skills, insights and tools to construct their career. Because she knows that construction professionals are working with outdated practices that are preventing them from achieving their potential and seeing what's possible.
The last two years certainly forced technology uptake, but few still want to be the early adopters. Whilst there is an increasing suite of product options coming to the market, they are still in beta stages. What hasn’t holistically changed is the mindset and perception associated with work where the technology is being applied.
What can technology do with an old school manager that doesn’t want to use it, and expects everyone to work the same way and do exactly as they did before? Technology also isn’t the band aid solution or answer to many systemic issues in the industry – we must remember it’s a tool for a user.
An overreliance thinking that technology is the savior is never addressing the root cause of systemic issues in the industry. This year in the industry, we are seeing the fallout and consequences of social experiments of the last two years.
We are also seeing who has been able to truly step up to lead with the best interest of the industry, and who hasn’t. It’s a fascinating year to take a macro perspective and see more taking an entrepreneurial zest to the opportunities presented.
It has been and always will be leadership. Everything starts and ends and rests on the shoulders of leadership. This includes personal, collective, and global leadership. The last two years have highlighted that inadequate and incompetent leadership of self or others has enabled few to thrive, some to survive, and some to expire.
The archaic ways of leadership and relying on the past ways wasn’t suitable, and is (excruciating) slowly phasing it's way out of the industry. This is making way and massive opportunity for real Triple E leaders (exemplary, excellent and exceptional leaders) to rise, disrupt, and introduce a new standard of leadership.
All that we are seeing and experiencing now is the consequences of leadership of the last decade, and we don’t need to look far to see most of it was subpar, misleading and reinforcing mediocre standards. For those with fire in their heart and hunger in their stomachs, it’s time to rise.
There has always been great opportunity to take away the low level, repetitive tasks from construction professionals so they can have the mental and time freedom to do what they should be doing in the first place: build. When most professionals are suffocated with manual functions, there’s little room for truly value-adding functions, like leadership, communication, planning, and so on.
Technology however is just a tool, and what first needs to change is the ways of working. There’s little merit in introducing a tool which allows someone to work from home, if a project manager still carries with them archaic methods of measuring productivity such as presenteeism.
I think back to a time I worked on a site where it took a graduate three days on a large team to circulate a register for review, because management didn’t want to consider alternative ways to review that wasn’t printing out copies until it was perfected. That graduate doesn’t need an $80,000 life debt to print excel sheets and update colors in cells, yet here we are. Freely available technology was there, but there was no interest to consider optimization and innovation.
There is an extraordinary opportunity if the culture is changed first, and technology becomes an extension of that. It can also work in reverse at times if the technology is outstanding and there is blanket uptake at once.
The full effects of poorly thought-out policies and stringent requirements pressured on the industry of the last two years is still to be felt. In disaster theory, the two year and five year mark post disaster are said to be the most difficult during recovery, across many scales. We are only just seeing the fall out, and only a very small amount is broadcasted.
We don’t hear on the news how many SMEs are going bankrupt. This isn’t to cast a message of doom and gloom, but realism. Other than economic trends, there are changing sentiments as to what the market expects from organizations, and vice versa.
Those that can adapt will be strongly positioned, and those who fail to realize changing sentiments will increasingly struggle to attract and retain exceptional talent. It also means there is an extreme opportunity to look at the newly forming industry landscape and consider where real value can be added today.
I think we’ll see new household companies that are being formed today, as well as ingenuity born from such a turbulent period and new leaders that have truly disrupted age-old industry practices.
In this series of questions, Elinor Moshe shares a bit more about himself.
It starts with you.
More Details
Elinor Moshe is Australia’s first business coach as well as author of #1 Best Seller, Constructing Your Career. This is the world's first book for careers in construction offering practical action and a holistic approach to career construction.
Shawn Sauve
VP - Sales Dynamics Practice Lead
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